Outpatient Surgery
The Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery will strive to ensure your experience is as comfortable for you as possible when you are here. Depending upon your particular surgery, your procedure will be performed in the operating or procedure room. Having an outpatient procedure means that you will be able to leave the hospital the same day as your exam. You will have received instructions to follow with regards to diet restrictions and medication as it relates to your procedure. These are available from your doctor's office, and when in doubt, should be discussed with a nurse or other representative in the Division of Colorectal Surgery. Information may also be obtained by calling the surgical nursing unit at 212.305.7000.
Here is a summary of how your day will go:
- Arrive and Register 1 Hour Prior to Scheduled Procedure — When you arrive, you will be asked to fill out some paperwork at the registration desk. Someone on your treatment team will also confirm that you have followed all pre-procedural instructions to ensure you are prepared for endoscopic evaluation.
- Anesthesia Consult — Before entering the consultation room, you will be brought to a holding area where an anesthesiologist will speak with you. At that time, your treatment team will decide whether you will receive conscious sedation or monitored anesthesia care, a deeper level of sedation or general anesthesia. You will receive an IV at this time through which the medication will be delivered once you are in the treatment or operating room.
- Procedure / Operation — After your anesthesia consultation, you will be brought into the operating or procedure room and asked to position yourself on the treatment bed. Your treatment team will introduce themselves, confirm the procedure you are having, and answer any questions you may have. Once you are situated and prepared for the procedure, you will receive the sedative through an IV and the procedure will begin. If you have the procedure under sedation, you will be able to respond to verbal and physical prompts throughout, but the sedation will keep you from feeling any physical discomfort. An alternative is for the procedure to be performed completely under a short general anesthesia.
- Recovery — You will be brought back to a holding area once the procedure is complete. Due to the sedation or anesthesia, you may feel a little sleepy. Once your transportation arrives, you will be able to go home. You must arrange for someone to pick you up from the Endoscopy Suite since we cannot allow you to leave unless we are sure you can get home safely.