Weight Loss Surgery Care
Welcome to the Center for Metabolic and Weight Loss Surgery. We understand what it means to constantly struggle with your weight, and we want to help you find a long-term solution.
Our team has a steadfast commitment to long-term personalized care. Surgery is only one component of that care. Equally important is the education, lifelong follow-up, and support our teams provide. Before you enter the operating room, you’ll know exactly what to expect and what steps to take afterward to maximize weight loss. As you settle into new routines and habits, you will have our full support. Questions about a particular food? Need a strategy for getting through a holiday meals? We’re there with you every step of the way.
We invite you to learn more about our programs to help you decide if weight loss for life is right for you. When you're ready to get started, call (212) 305-4000 or request an appointment online today.
Are you in the Westchester area? Visit NewYork-Presbyterian Westchester for weight loss surgery options in Westchester.
Para personas habla Español, visite nuestro Centro para Cirugía Metabólica y de Obesidad.

As we enter the second quarter of the 21st century, we posed a simple question to our doctors:
"What is the single most futuristic thing we're doing in surgery today?"
Read what some of our surgeons have to say