Dr. Marco Zoccali Explains Groundbreaking Clinical Trial for IBD

Colorectal surgeon Dr. Marco Zoccali framed in geometric pattern.
Colorectal surgeon Marco Zoccali, MD.

Breakthrough treatments and clinical trials do not always mean new technology but entirely new applications of existing technology. Last year, the IBD Center at Columbia enrolled the first patient in a nationwide study using the established technique of sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) in a new way: to treat Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis, or IBD. A disease that affects over 3.5 million people in the United States.

SNS is a type of electrical stimulation therapy that uses a small device implanted in a pocket under the skin to stimulate the sacral nerve with a series of daily electrical pulses. This triggers stimulation similar to acupuncture and can eliminate the need for medications in IBD management.

After completion of the early feasibility phase, the BOOM-IBD trial is gearing up for the pivotal study.

Click here to learn more about trial enrollment.

Enrollment Contact:
Call (212) 342-4102

Maeve D Bleistein: mb4971@cumc.columbia.edu
Claudia Musat, MD: cm2065@cumc.columbia.edu


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