Profile image of Selim M. Arcasoy, MD, MPH

Selim M. Arcasoy, MD, MPH

Medical Program Director, Lung Transplant Program
Clinical Chief, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care

Call (212) 305-7771 for appointments.

About Selim M. Arcasoy, MD, MPH:

Dr. Arcasoy was recruited to Columbia University as the Medical Program Director of Lung Transplantation in 2001 from the University of Pennsylvania. After his recruitment, he completely turned around the Lung Transplantation Program to rank amongst the top 5 to 10 programs in the country with regard to volume and patient survival.  Under his leadership, the Lung Transplant Program has been performing more than 80 transplants annually.  In October 2019, Dr. Arcasoy and his team celebrated their 1000th lung transplant since 2001.  Despite high transplant volumes and very sick pretransplant candidates, the survival of lung transplant recipients has remained stellar.  Currently, 1-year survival of lung transplant recipients at Columbia University is 90%, 5-year survival 65%, and 10-year survival 42%. 

Dr. Arcasoy has gained national and international reputation with various leadership roles in professional organizations and scientific societies.  He previously chaired the Thoracic Organ Transplant Committee of the AST and the Transplant Network Steering Committee of the ACCP.  He recently served in the Thoracic Organ Transplant Committee of the OPTN to develop Continuous Distribution of Lungs. He is currently the Associate Chair for Advanced Lung Failure and Transplantation in the Standards and Guidelines Committee of the ISHLT.


Chronic Lung Disease
Chronic Obstruct Pulm Disease/COPD
Critical Care Medicine
General Pulmonology
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Lung Transplant
Pediatric Pulmonology
Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine
Pulmonary Disease
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Pulmonary Medicine
Respiratory Failure
Restrictive Lung Diseases
Transplant Pulmonology


2016: Fellow of the American Society of Transplantation (F.A.S.T.)

2002-21: Inclusion in America’s Top Doctors and Top Doctors: New York Metro Area

2009-21: Inclusion in New York City Super Doctors, New York Times Magazine

2002: Fellow of the American College of Physicians (F.A.C.P.)

2001: Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians (F.C.C.P.)

1999: Rank Valedictorian of class in Ege University School of Medicine

1984: Rank Valedictorian of class in Tarsus American College


Patient selection and outcomes on the waiting list for lung transplantation
Predictors and diagnosis of acute and chronic lung rejection
Novel immunosuppressive regimens and antimicrobial therapies in lung transplantation
Co-morbidities in advanced pulmonary disease
Lung volume reduction for emphysema
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Pulmonary embolism and thrombolytic therapy
Outcomes of patients with advanced lung disease before and after transplantation
Post-transplant complications
Collaborative investigation in immune tolerance
Studies of genetic testing for diagnosis of organ rejection




Dickinson W. Richards, Jr. Professor of Medicine (in Pediatrics) at CUMC


MD, Ege University Medical School, Turkey
MPH, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
Internship: 1993 State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn
Residency: 1994 State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn
Fellowship: 1997 The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

New Patients:



Primary Locations:

CUIMC/Presbyterian Hospital and Vanderbilt Clinic

622 West 168th Street
Floor 14
New York, NY 10032

For new and current patient appointments, call:
(212) 305-7771
(212) 342-5382


Please contact the doctor's office directly to verify that your particular insurance is accepted.

AETNA [Student Health, Aetna Signature Administrators, NY Signature, HMO]
Amida Care [Special Needs]
CIGNA [Great West (National), POS, EPO, Medicare Managed Care, PPO]
Emblem/GHI [Medicare Managed Care, PPO]
Emblem/HIP [POS, Select Care (Exchange), Vytra]
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthPlus [Essential Plan]
Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield [Medicare Managed Care]
Local 1199 [Local 1199]
Medicare [Railroad, Traditional Medicare]
Multiplan [Multiplan]
UnitedHealthcare [POS, Empire Plan, Compass (Exchange), HMO, PPO, Oxford HMO, Oxford Liberty, Oxford Freedom]
VNSNY CHOICE [SelectHealth]
World Trade Center Health Plan [World Trade Center Health Plan]


A.M. Layton, H.F. Armstrong, H.P. Kim, K.S. Meza, F. D’Ovidio, S.M. Arcasoy. Cardiopulmonary exercise factors predict survival in patients with advanced interstitial lung disease referred for lung transplantation. Respir Med 2017; 126: 59-67.

J.M. Diamond, S. Arcasoy, C.C. Kennedy, M. Eberlein, J.P. Singer, G.M. Patterson, J.D. Edelman, G. Dhillon, T. Pena, S.M. Kawut, J.C. Lee, R. Girgis, J. Dark, G. Thabut. Report of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Working Group on Primary Lung Graft Dysfunction, part II: Epidemiology, risk factors, and outcomes-A 2016 Consensus Group statement of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2017 Oct;36(10):1104-1113.

L.J. Benvenuto, D.R. Anderson, H.P. Kim, J.L. Hook, L. Shah, H.Y. Robbins, F. D’Ovidio, M. Bacchetta, J.R. Sonett, S.M. Arcasoy. Geographic disparities in donor lung supply and lung transplant waitlist outcomes: A Cohort Study. Am J Transplant; 2018; 18:1471-80

L.J. Benvenuto, M.R. Anderson, S.M. Arcasoy.  New frontiers in immunosuppression. J Thorac Dis 2018;10(5):3141-55. 

M. Aversa, L. Benvenuto, H. Kim, L. Shah, H. Robbins, B.P. Stanifer, F. D'Ovidio, E.R. Vasilescu, J. Sonett, S.M. Arcasoy. Effect of Calculated Panel Reactive Antibody Value on Waitlist Outcomes for Lung Transplant Candidates. Ann Transplant 2019 Jun 28;24:383-392. 

D. Rudym, L. Benvenuto, J. Costa, M. Aversa, H. Robbins, L. Shah, H. Kim, B.P. Stanifer, J. Sonett, F. D’Ovidio, S.M. Arcasoy. What Awaits on the Other Side: Post-Lung Transplant Morbidity and Mortality After Pre-Transplant Hospitalization. Ann Transplant 2020;25:e922641. 

M. Aversa, L. Benvenuto, M. Anderson, L. Shah, H. Robbins, M. Pereira, J. Scheffert, M. Carroll, J. Hum, M. Nolan, G. Reilly, P. Lemaitre, B.P. Stanifer, F. D’Ovidio, J. Sonett, S. Arcasoy. Covid-19 in lung transplant recipients: A single center case series from New York City. Am J Transplant 2020; 20:3072-80.