Since opening in 1989, Milstein hospital has become the primary site of adult, in-patient medical care on the Columbia campus. The hospital has about 745 beds with six ICUs and over thirty operating rooms. Surgical patients are cared for on dedicated surgical nursing units, including surgical oncology, transplant, vascular/thoracic, cardiac surgery, and general surgery. These floor units include 16+ surgery-specific "Step-Down" beds for stable patients requiring continuous monitoring. For critical patients, the surgical and cardiac surgery ICUs total 36 beds, and the post-anesthesia care unit and advanced recovery unit function as an additional 33 critical care beds.
The 30+ Milstein operating rooms cover the majority of both the third and fourth floors and include rooms dedicated to the General Surgery, Vascular, Thoracic, and Cardiac services. Several operating rooms have integrated advanced laparoscopic equipment and the vascular service has one dedicated hybrid angiography room for endovascular cases. In addition, we have two robotic operating rooms with the capacity to fit either robot with a simulation console.