Our Super Specialty: Restorative Surgery & Ostomy Avoidance
The Global Center at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia is distinguished for its expertise in the management of all problems related to the small intestine, colon, rectum and anal canal. Our multidisciplinary team is able to treat or cure even complex, complicated and advanced colorectal conditions while maintaining or restoring continence and avoiding an ostomy, with results that most other centers aren't able to achieve.
To make an appointment with the Global Center for Integrated Colorectal Surgery & IBD Interventional Endoscopy, please call us at (212) 342-1155.
Who We Treat
We use a multidisciplinary approach to treat a variety of conditions and clinical situations, with an emphasis on preserving or restoring normal colorectal functional and ostomy avoidance.
Conditions We Treat
Cancer: Our experience with technological innovations such as robotic surgery and transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEMS) allows for a minimally invasive approach to manage a range of cancers in the colon and rectum. Our surgeons have the highest level of expertise in complex surgical procedures such as intersphincteric proctectomy, colonic J pouch, and colopasty. Our expertise in continence preservation allows our team to preserve the sphincter and minimize the need for a permanent ostomy even in difficult situations. Our experience with complex and reoperative abdominal and pelvic surgery also facilitates the surgical management of recurrent and locally advanced cancer as well as salvage operations in challenging situations.
IBD/Colitis: For patients who require total proctocolectomy (removal of the rectum and all or part of the colon), we seek to eliminate disease, preserve continence, and maintain health and quality of life by creating an ileoanal J pouch reservoir. We routinely consider a laparoscopic approach to promote early recovery. When a J pouch is not an option, specialized techniques such as the ileorectal anastomosis, use of other pouch configurations, mucosectomy, redo pouch procedures and continent ileostomy creation may also allow preservation of continence.
IBD/Crohn’s: We have wide expertise in the comprehensive management of patients with Crohn's disease who require surgery. We perform a variety of abdominal operations on the duodenum, small bowel, colon and rectum and perineal operations for anoperineal involvement. Whenever possible, we use minimally invasive that preserve intestinal length and continence.
We have extensive experience with bowel resection, stricturoplasty, treatment of enterocutaneous and other fistulae, and the use of reconstructive procedures when Crohn’s disease involves the small intestine. For Crohn's disease involving the large intestine, our team has special expertise in the understanding of Crohn’s colitis and continence preservation techniques, which allows for the control of disease and prevention of complications while maintaining quality of life. Our expertise may enable our surgeons to maintain intestinal continuity without a permanent ostomy for patients with Crohn’s disease even in complex circumstances.
IBD/Pouch problems: We have an extensive experience with pouch disorders and are able to uniquely repair / salvage pouch. (link back to pouch subsection)
Diverticulitis: Restorative resection in most situations with a low need for a permanent or even temporary ostomy.
Surgical Complications: Restoration of continuity and avoidance of an ostomy in such complications as strictures, leak, enterocutaneous fistula, radiation changes even in the most extenuating of circumstances.
Constipation and Functional Bowel syndromes: When surgery is needed for these conditions, various options are available that preserve continence and avoid an ostomy even in challenging conditions.
Anorectal Conditions and Sphincter compromise: Some debilitating conditions may need an ostomy. When this is considered, various options for continence exist.
Treatments We Offer
Interventional Endoscopic procedures: Our team is adept in interventional endoscopic procedures that can sometimes avoid surgery in the most challenging of circumstances. In some instances, endoscopic procedures can help fine-tune and preserve function when complications develop after surgery or delay the need for surgical intervention.
Surgery: When surgical intervention is needed, expertise is available for transanal, laparoscopic and robotic surgery as well as complex reoperative surgery and innovative procedures to avoid an ostomy while curing disease and controlling symptoms
Bowel conservation procedures: Our surgeons routinely adopt techniques to help preserve intestinal length over the short and long-term even in patients with complex colorectal disease conditions, after multiple previous operations and complicated disease or surgery. Routine consideration of procedures such as stricturoplasty, limitation of length of small bowel resection, conversion of J pouch to a continent ileostomy.
End of the Road procedures to avoid an ostomy: Even in some situations where the anorectum has been damaged with scar, stricture, radiation or fistula some options such as a Turnbull-Cutait procedure, sleeve resection might exist.
Program Highlights
Unmatched Outcomes That Preserve Dignity and Quality of Life
The Global Center has excellent outcomes for patients with the continent ileostomy seeking management of pouch problems. There is a high rate of pouch preservation after both primary pouch creation and revision using a combined medical, interventional endoscopic, and surgical approach. Our patients consistently report a high quality of life post-surgery.
Thoughtful, Personalized Care for Continent Ileostomy Dysfunction
Our strategies always consider conservative, non-surgical approaches that integrate a combination of dietary, medical, and interventional endoscopy techniques that might postpone or avoid surgery. This method is especially useful for pouchitis, fistula, strictures, bezoars (foreign bodies in the pouch), and problems with pouch intubation, continence, or function. When these other modalities fail, surgery is a good option for salvage of the continent ileostomy.
World-Class Minimally Invasive Options
We are the preeminent Center for endoscopy for pouch surveillance, corrective procedures for pouch dysfunction, strictures, fistulae, and pouchitis.
Advancing Care Through Research and Education
The Global Center works to improve the standard of care nationally and globally through our commitment to high-quality clinical research, global symposia, and the education and training of select fellows. The center’s leadership team has been recognized as top 10 worldwide in terms of impact and influence for the field of colorectal care.
Specialized Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing Support
Our highly trained nursing team has the wound and ostomy care expertise to help troubleshoot problems with intubation, pouch care, seepage, or incontinence.
Out-of-State Coordination of Care
For our out-of-state and international patients, the Global Center helps coordinate office appointments, testing, surgery, postoperative care, and follow-up to make travel and care easy for patients coming from far away. Information on accommodation in the NY/NJ area that allows easy access to the Global Center for consultations, procedures, and surgery is readily available.
Stories & Perspectives
Sara Musikoff shares her experience with severe inflammatory bowel disease, including the multiple operations that it took to repair her digestive tract. Now, Sara is out and about and living life to its fullest. Read the full story at nyp.org.
Our Team
Colorectal Surgeons

Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse
Colorectal NPs

Global Center Gastroenterologists

Gastroenterology & Pelvic Floor NPs & RNs

Gerthy Michel, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC

Physician Assistants (Colorectal/Gastroenterology)

Christian Munoz Pineda, PA Inpatient Colorectal Surgery/Gastroenterology

Danny Shlomo, PA Inpatient Colorectal Surgery/Gastroenterology

Sabrina Oliver, MS, RD | (347) 712-0894
Our Locations
Washington Heights
NYP/Columbia University Irving Medical Center (Main Campus)
Herbert Irving Pavilion
161 Fort Washington Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10032-3784
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Midtown West
51 West 51st Street, Suite #380
New York, NY 10019
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Upper East Side
12 East 86th Street, Suite #1
New York, NY 10028
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New Jersey
330 Grand St
Hoboken, NJ 07030
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Make an Appointment
To make an appointment with the Global Center for Integrated Colorectal Surgery & IBD Interventional Endoscopy, please call us at (212) 342-1155.
We accept a number of insurance plans, and our team can help confirm your coverage.
Resources & More
Stories & Perspectives
- State of the Union Conversation: Members of Columbia’s Global Center discuss colorectal surgery and care, improving surgical training, and how they approach treating conditions.
- Read more colorectal news and stories here